Saturday, January 21, 2012

My food challenge -

Like most women now days, I have had a struggle with food most of my life. I've never been over weight but have always felt the need to weigh less. Though most of my fears concerning food have subsided over time there has always been that voice inside my head telling me what I should or shouldn't look like. When I got pregnant, I was what I would consider a healthy weight and I eat pretty healthy (or so I thought) compared to most people my age. I love veggies, oatmeal, dairy, fruit and have always leaned more towards the vegetarian recipes though I do like the occasional filet mignon. It seems as if everything changed once we got that little pink plus...
One Sunday in October (after the pink plus) I was buying bread at the store and I realized that though I love my 45cal per slice bread, it wasn't whole grain and I'm officially in charge of making sure that little bean in there gets everything they need. So, as hard as it was I felt so good about putting it back and picking up the organic whole grain bread that was 100cal/slice. I am not a big meat person but I know that getting enough protein is important for my changing body and for that little one inside so now I make it a point to eat a scrambled egg or two as a mid morning snack after my walk. Its things like this I would never have done before because to me (before) the point of exercising was so that you burn off what you ate and stay thin. Now, the point is to stay active and healthy and make up the extra calories I burn off during my walk as you have to during pregnancy.
So, this week my husband is out of town for 4 days and I am challenging myself to eat every food group and their servings for 4 days straight starting Monday, zero restaurants and fast food. Tomorrow I'm headed to the store to stock up on oatmeal, whole grain bread, fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, greek yogurt, lean meat, nuts, beans etc. It sounds simple, but I know that after about the first day I'll be ready for some french fries. The one thing I will allow myself is, as long as I get all of my daily servings I'm allowed ice cream or candy (twizzlers and starburst haha) as a little treat. Here we go!

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