Monday, August 6, 2012

Oh the joys of motherhood...

When I started this blog my goal was to let people know what I was up to and be able to keep up with me (not that my life is that interesting) but I have found that instead I blog because it gets thoughts out of my head and onto the computer where they finally stop bugging me. I'm not entirely sure anyone reads this but that's okay with me, I'm writing to clear my head.

I just got done running on the treadmill and as I was running I started thinking of all of the things I have learned after having my son, Oliver. Tomorrow marks 8 weeks since he came into this world and what a ride it has been! I have multiple friends who are expecting and instead of being the know-it-all mom who gives her advice on every little thing I thought I'd post what I've learned along the way.

I'm sure more things will come to me later but this is what I came up with on the last mile.

1. Set your coffee maker on auto - you will need it in the morning but will be too tired to make it, and if you are a 2 cup kind of person but are breastfeeding, go half-calf.

2.The first 2 weeks are hard and nothing will prepare you for it, you will survive even though your hormones are telling you that you won't.

3. A glass of wine in a bubble bath can cure a lot of ailments.

4. If you are breastfeeding, the first time you give formula - for whatever reason - you will cry and its okay.

5. Buy snacks you can eat one handed, and dinners too if you can manage it.

6. When you go weeks on end with no recognition from your baby, and are just about to go crazy, he/she will break out in their first real smile and make it all worth it.

7. Get out of the house often. Nothing will make you feel more isolated, alone and helpless as staying in the house day in and day out with an infant who can only communicate by crying.

8. Diapers should come in half sizes, the jump from newborn to "1" is incredible.

9. Exercise at least every other day, even if you are exhausted. Sweat works wonders.

1 comment:

  1. YOU, my friend, are doing an amazing job at this first time mother business. Trust me when I say I know it isn't easy. You are so right on so many of the things you wrote today. It is such a wonderful adventure God gave us. It isn't always a FUN adventure, but so wonderful!! Can't wait to see you and Marcus and meet Oliver! Maybe I'll get his gift mailed this week. It has been sitting on the laundry room counter for weeks. :)
