Thursday, October 25, 2012

My new career

Growing up I always thought I'd end up doing some kind of social work, a psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor of some sort. When I quit school my dreams of having a career went down the drain. College was not for me and I ripped myself to shreds about it, I hated myself for leaving. As if beating myself up on the inside wasn't enough, a few of my friends and family let it be very known that quitting school was not a good choice. "How will you support yourself?" "You just didn't try hard enough" or "Maybe you just haven't found your interest yet" The remarks would have continued if I hadn't become a hermit and avoided everyone in my life. Work and home, that was my life for many years.

I never EVER pictured myself as a stay at home mom. My parents never instilled it in my that there was anything wrong with being a stay at home mom but for whatever reason, I looked down upon my life as a "housewife", I felt that all I was good for was dishes and laundry. The first time it hit that I was looking at my life in completely the wrong way was when Marcus and I went to Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace (before Oliver was born). We went around the room and stated what we would do for a living if money wasn't an issue. I was shocked when most if not all of the women in the room stated that they would love to be stay-at-home moms if they could. How could I sit there, and look down upon something so many women dreamed of doing and I had the luxury of being able to do? I'm ashamed of myself now. Being a full time mom is the greatest and most challenging job I could have ever imagined. I love that I get to start my day with a beautiful toothless smiling little boy, and end it with my husband and I rocking him to sleep at night. I am not saying this job is a piece of cake, or that I don't have days where I wish I had a job I could go to and leave Oliver with a nanny but 90% of the time, it is pure bliss. Never again will I EVER be ashamed of being "just" a stay at home mom.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you! I have my degree and now that I stay at home with my kids I usually get the "So you went to college to get a husband, huh?" I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but right now I'm enjoying my kids, my husband, and the life that we've built.

    Hugs! You've got an awesome career! :)
